WhatsApp tricks 

Did you know WhatsApp has over 1 billion active users, but not all of are curious enough to explore all the features that the app has offer. In fact, many users are just happy with sending and responding to messages on WhatsApp.
 From disabling the blue ticks to reading messages without going online, there are plenty of not so obvioustricks that you can learn to make your favourite app  more useful than ever. Be sure to know, that these tricks will most definitely turn you into a messaging pro.

Change Fonts

You wouldn’t believe this but WhatsApp comes along with a few editing options. You can actually make text bold, add italics, or strike through.
All you have to do is:
(a.) For bold, you just have to place an asterisk (*) at the starting and ending of a word to make it appear bold.
(b.) For italics, the process is similar but you have to place an
underscore (_) in place of asterisk.
(c.) For strikethrough, users need to add (~) at the beginning and end of the word.

 You can change your friend’s profile picture to a monkey

Are you up for some fun? Looking for a way to get even with a friend?
How about turning their profile picture into a monkey on WhatsApp?
All you need to do is to go to contacts and copy your friend’s number. Then you need to rename the monkey image your friend’s number, taking out the (+). Then you need to paste the image to his/her WhatsApp profile picture, and voila, your friend is now a monkey!

 Read a message without going online

As sneaky as that sounds, you can actually get away with this! Yes,
there’s a way for that and it’s very easy. So after the message has
arrived, simply turn off mobile data or turn on airplane mode on your device and then, open WhatsApp and see the message.
Once you’re done, come back to the homescreen and turn on your
mobile data. Yup! The trick is in details!

 How to know when someone has read your message

Here’s how you do this, just go to the conversation and keep the
message pressed for few seconds. You can see an i symbol on the top. What you need to do is to click on that symbol. Once you do that, you will be able to see the time when your message was delivered and read.

Turn off blue ticks

Ever since the concept of blue trick came in play they have been
nothing but the cause for some serious fights. If you are wondering howto turn off the blue tricks, its really easy.
What you can do is to go to Settings>
Privacy. In the Privacy
page, you will find a toggle to turn off “Read Receipts“.

 Send all your conversation to your email

Most of us wanted to view media and chats on their computer, but what we don’t know is that this is actually possible. All you need to do is to just go to WhatsApp and press any contact for more than few seconds.
A pop up menu will appear then you need to click on email conservation

Hide your profile picture from others

Most of people don’t know and don’t care for this useful settings. But in case you want to know, you can actually hide profile picture from public
view. What you need to do is to first click on 3 vertical dots on home screen of
WhatsApp. Then you need to Go to settings > Account > Privacy >
Profile photo and Choose my contacts


Department of Space, Government of India


Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO]/Department of Space Centres/Units are engaged in Research and Development activities in application of Space Science and Technology for the benefit of society at large and for serving the nation by achieving self- reliance and developing capacity to design and build Launch Vehicles and Communication/Remote Sensing Satellites and thereafter launch them. ISRO strives to serve the nation in the areas of television broadcast, telecommunication, meteorological application and in management of our natural resources. The Indian Space Programme continues to pursue successful goals on all fronts in meeting the objective of achieving self-reliance in space technology and its applications for national development. 

The future ISRO programme envisages development of cutting edge technologies for reusable launch vehicle, development of advanced technologies for Human Spaceflight Programme, advanced high efficiency semi-cryogenic propulsion engine, advanced communication satellite, air breathing propulsion, satellite based navigation system, hyper spectral imaging sensors, lunar & planetary exploration etc.

Challenging opportunities exist at ISRO to undertake development of innovative technologies and establish the advanced infrastructure needed for space exploration and beyond.

ISRO offers the position of Scientist/Engineer 'SC' in the Pay Band(PB-3) of Rs.15600-39100 with Grade Pay Rs.5400/- to the young graduates in the following engineering disciplines :-

1. Electronics     2. Mechanical       3. Computer Science

Do not use 'Back' and 'Forward' button of your browser while filling up online application form.

  • Application Fee Challan / Registration Confirmation Form

To get the online application form, please click on the Post Name below for which you want to apply for.
Post Name
No. of Vacancies
Vacancies identified for filling-up with Persons with Disabilities
Scientist/Engineer SC - Electronics
13 (08-OH;5-HH)
Scientist/Engineer SC - Mechanical
Scientist/Engineer SC - Computer Science
OH - Orthopaedically Handicapped; VH - Visually Handicapped; HH - Hearing Handicapped

Note: Out of the above vacancies, the vacancies identified for Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, an autonomous body under Department of Space, are as follows:
  • 4 (including 1-OH; 1-HH) vacancies out of the 216 vacancies in Electronics discipline
  • 2 (including 1-OH) vacancies out of the 109 vacancies in Mechanical discipline
  • 3 (including 1-HH) vacancies out of the 50 vacancies in Computer Science discipline

  • BE/B.Tech or equivalent qualification in first class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks (average of all semesters for which results are available) or CGPA 6.84 on a ten scale. Minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84 in section B alone for candidates with AMIE/Grad IETE qualification. Candidates who are going to complete the above course in the academic year 2015-16 are also eligible to apply provided final Degree is available by 31/8/2016.
Age Limit:
  • 35 years as on 25/05/2016. Ex-Servicemen and Persons with Disabilities are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders.
How to apply : 
  • The application for on-line registration will be hosted on the ISRO web-site between 05/05/2016 and 25/05/2016. Candidates may visit our web-site at www.isro.gov.in to register their applications on-line between 05/05/2016 and 25/05/2016. Applications will be received on-line only. Upon registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference. E-mail ID of the applicant will have to be given in the application compulsorily. The on-line application has to be invariably followed-up with a 'No Objection Certificate' from the employer concerned, by those already in employment under Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Bodies, duly indicating the name and Reg. No. on the reverse.
  • Payment of Application Fee : There will be an Application Fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) for each application. After registration of application on-line, the candidates have to down-load and print the personalized payment challan form, in triplicate, from the ISRO system which will contain Name of the candidate, Registration Number, Receipt Account Number, Advertisement No., and Post code. The candidates may visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India for remittance of application fee to Receipt Account (32034064593), by using the personalized payment challan of State Bank of India on any day between 05/05/2016 and 26/05/2016. The candidates may down-load and print the personalized payment challan from the ISRO system on any day between 05/05/2016 and 25/05/2016 and remit the application fee before the prescribed last date i.e, 26/05/2016. Upon remittance of the application fee, one copy of the challan form will be retained by State Bank [Bank copy] and remaining two parts will be given to the candidate. Out of the two challan parts, the candidate has to send one part of the challan form [ISRO copy] to Sr. Administrative Officer(ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bengaluru - 560094 by "ORDINARY POST ONLY" superscribing on the envelope "ICRB - RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST/ENGINEER 'SC'" within 7 days of filing of application and in any case not later than 01/06/2016. The remaining copy of challan form [Applicant copy] shall be retained by the candidate for future reference. The payment shall be made through cash deposit only. Payment of Application fee in any other form like cash, cheque, draft, money order, IPO, etc, are not allowed. Applications in respect of which copy of challan form, after remittance of prescribed application fee [ISRO copy] is not received in ISRO HQ, Bengaluru on or before 01/06/2016, will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances.
  • Women candidates/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-servicemen [EX] and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. However, after registration of application on-line, the candidates have to down-load and print the personalized registration confirmation form from the ISRO system which will contain the Name of the candidate, Registration Number, Advertisement No.,and Post code for future reference
  • The candidates who are already employed under Central Govt/State Govt/PSU/Autonomous Body have to send a 'No Objection Certificate' from the employer concerned, duly indicating their Registration Number and Post Code to the Sr. Administrative Officer [ICRB], ISRO Headquarters, Bengaluru within seven days of filing the applications on-line by the candidates and in any case not later than 01.06.2016.

Documents to be sent to ISRO Headquarters, Bengaluru on or before 01/06/2016
Women Candidate
No documents to be sent, but will have to produce the relevant documents, as and when required.
Those who are already employed under Central/State Govt/PSU/ Autonomous Bodies should produce "No objection certificate" from the employer concerned.
SC/ST candidates
Persons with Disabilities
Others, including OBC candidates
ISRO copy of challan

Selection Process:
The candidate should have first class with minimum 65% marks or CGPA 6.84 on a ten scale in the Qualifying Degree ie, BE/B.Tech or equivalent. . Minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84 in section B alone for candidates with AMIE/Grad IETE qualification.. Please note that this prescribed qualification the MINIMUM requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for written test. The written test will be conducted on 03/07/2016 at ten venues viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram. However, the Organisation reserves the right to cancel/change the written test venue and re-allot the candidates to any other test centre. The call letters for the written test to the short- listed candidates will be sent only by e-mail during the last week of June 2016. Based on the performance in the Written Test, candidates will be short-listed for interview, the schedule and venue of which will be notified. Written test is only a first level screening and written test score will not be considered for final selection process. Final selection will be based on the performance of the candidates in the Interview and those who secure minimum 60% marks in the interview will be eligible for consideration for empanelment in the selection panel, in the order of merit.
Pay and Allowances:
Selected candidates will be appointed as Scientist/Engineer'SC' in the pay band (PB-3) of Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs 5400/-. The gross emoluments in the minimum of pay band will at present be approximately Rs 45,990/-p.m. In addition, House Rent Allowance [HRA] and Transport Allowance at the prescribed rates in force at the place of posting will be paid for those who are not availing limited Departmental Housing and Transport facility, respectively. The employees will be governed by the New Pension Scheme. On employment in ISRO, other facilities are available such as medical facilities for self and dependants, subsidized canteen, Leave Travel Concession, Group Insurance, advances for purchase of conveyance, construction of house, etc as per Central Government orders.
Other Conditions/Instructions:
    • Candidates may apply for the post any of the disciplines mentioned in the drop-down menu (Step 3) of the Application form.
    • The posts are temporary, but are likely to permanently.
    • The number of posts indicated above are provisional and may vary depending on the actual requirements.
    • The appointees are liable to be posted in any of the Centres/Units of the Indian Space Research Organisation/Department of Space situated anywhere in India as and when required. For details of ISRO/DOS Centres/Units, please visit http://www.isro.gov.in/about-isro/isro-centres
    • Candidates may have to work on round the clock shift basis depending on the functional requirements.
    • Candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed to and fro second-class train fare by the shortest route from the city indicated in the on-line application form to the place of interview (change of address and city for the purpose will not be entertained).
    • Candidates called for interview will have to produce all relevant original documents in proof of details furnished in their applications submitted on-line, at the time of interview. If any information furnished on-line is found to be wrong or false, the candidate will not be interviewed and TA will not be paid.
    • No TA will be paid for attending the Written Test.
    • ISRO reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the posts, if it so desires.
    • Only Indian Nationals need apply.
    • No interim correspondence will be entertained. In case of any clarification candidates may send their mail to icrb@isro.gov.in
    • Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.

It is for the candidate to ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and complie with the requirements and adheres to the instructions contained in this advertisement as well as in the application form. Candidates are, therefore, urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per instructions given in this regard.
The Answer Keys will be published on the ISRO Website within three working days of the Written Test, i.e. on 07-07-2016. The candidates may raise objections, if any, with valid justifications within 5 days (i.e. on or before 12.07.2016) of publishing the answer keys in the website, to the e-mail icrb@isro.gov.in. Objections, if any, received thereafter will not be considered under any circumstances.







Finally long wait for bank job aspirants came to an end. Yesterday night, SBI released its notification recruitment for the Probationary Officer (PO) Posts in its official website portal sbi.co.in. About the SBI PO exam, posts and notification lot of speculations came before its release of the notification. Now, everyone got authentic information from the notification. Aspirants can view the notification from the official website portal or the link provided below. Glance of the notification details are mentioned in this article.

SBI PO 2016 Notification Out – Pattern Changed, Apply @sbi.co.in

Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join State Bank of India as a Probationary Officer, is required to register online for the Recruitment Process. The examination will be held in two phases – preliminary and main. Candidates who will qualify in preliminary examination and shortlisted will have to appear for main examination and shortlisted candidates in the main examination will subsequently be called for a Group Discussion & Interview.

Preliminary Exam consists of 3 Sections English Language, Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude. Composition of maximum 100 marks  for entire 3 sections individually 30 marks, 35 marks and 35 marks respectively. Total 1o0 Questions need to be solved in 1 hour (60 Minutes) stipulated time. Each Question carries 1 Mark and Wrongly attempted answers will be penalized by 0.25 Mark for each question.

Changes in Main Exam Pattern:

Every year, Main Exam will be given in composite time but now its changed sectional time introduced in SBI PO main examination. SBI PO following pattern changes in the way of CAT 2015 as it was changed to sectional time limits from the composite time. SBI PO mains will have sectional time limit for the each sections.
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude
No of Questions: 45
Maximum Marks: 60
Duration: 60 minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation:
No of Questions: 35
Maximum Marks: 60
Duration: 45 minutes
General/Economy/Banking Awareness
No of Questions: 40
Maximum Marks: 40
Duration: 35 minutes
English Language:
No of Questions: 35
Maximum Marks: 40
Duration: 40 minutes
SBI PO 2016 Main Pattern:
Total no of questions: 155
Maximum Marks: 200
Duration : 3 Hours
Descriptive Test: The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes duration with 50 marks will be a Test of English Language (Letter Writing & Essay). The candidates are required to qualify in the Descriptive Test by securing passing marks, to be decided by the Bank. Descriptive Test paper of only those candidates will be evaluated who have scored qualifying marks in the Objective Tests and are placed adequately high as per total marks in Objective Test.

About the Posts of SBI PO 2016:

Total no of Posts: 2428
SC: 351
ST: 231
OBC*: 590
GEN(OC): 1028
OH: 20
VI: 20
HI: 20
Backlog vacancies detailed as under have been included in the above mentioned total vacancies.
SC: 47
ST: 79
OBC*: 42
*Vacancies reserved for OBC category are available to OBC Candidates belonging to ‘Non-Creamy Layer’. ‘Creamy Layer’ OBC candidates should indicate their category as ‘General’. (Vacancies for OH, VI & HI category candidates are reserved horizontally.) 

Important Dates to Remember:

Online registration including edit/modification of application by candidates: 04-05-2016 to 24-05-2016
Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges: 04-05-2016 to 24-05-2016
Download of call letters for Online Preliminary Examination: 14-06-2016onwards
Online Examination – Preliminary: 2nd, 3rd, 9th & 10 July 2016
Result of Online Exam – Preliminary: 18th July 2016
Download of Call Letter for Online Main Exam: 21-07-2016 onwards
Conduct of Online Examination – Main: 31st July 2016
Declaration of Result – Main: 16th August 2016
Download Call Letter for Interview: 22nd August 2016
Conduct of Group Discussion & Interview: 1st September 2016
Declaration of Final Result: 30th September 2016
Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/Religious Minority Community Candidates:
Download of Call Letters for Pre-Exam Training: 13-06-2016 onwards
Conduct of Pre-Exam Training: 20-06-2016 to 25-06-2016
We request Candidates to regularly keep in touch with the authorized SBI website www.sbi.co.in for details and updates.
Age Limit:
(As on 01.04.2016) Not below 21 years and not above 30 years as on 01.04.2016 i.e candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.04.1986 and not later than 01.04.1995 (both days inclusive).


Some of the important current affairs for april month useful for competitive exams

Newzeland's five dollar note has been named the bank note of the year 2015The honor is awardedevery year by the international bank note societyThe five dollar note is part of the new family of brighter money bank notes The 5$ shows mountainer sir edumund hillary facing the south islandds Aoraki/moun 

Mumbai, the noisest city in india was followed by lucknow,hyderabad Bangleru and kolkatta shows fewest voilations of noise rules the most common source of noise pollution by far, the one that affects the most people, is motor vehicles
Aircraft and industrial machinery are also major sources of noise pollution. The observation came from central pollution board

The govermament will sell 11.36 percent stake in national hydro electric power corporation(NHPC).This is likely to fetch the ex-chequer more than 2700 crore
 The newly renamed department of investment and public Asset(DIPAM) races to meet the budgeted disinvestment target of Rs 56500 crore.NHPC was first PSU stake sale on the block

Heart of Asia(HoA) conference begins in newdelhi. The conference is with the objective of bringing peace and stability to afganistan 
It also aims to speed up its reconstruction with a focus on enhancing investment and connectivity to the country The conference is attended by officials of a number of countries including pakistan foreign secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudary 

Panic button will be mandatory for all mobile phones to be sold in india Jan 1 2017. It will enable users make emergency call easily . In built GPS navigation system would be mandatory for all phones from Jan 1 2018.
The official otification was issued specifying the panic button deadline.The emergency call should activate by Long pressing the separate button

Indian rower dattu qualifies bhokanal on  monday qualified for the rio olympic .He won silver in the finalas of Mens singe sculls at the 2016 FISA Asian and ocenia olympic qualification Regatta at Chug Ju in south korea
He clocked 7mins 49 seconds in the 2km course to finish second and qualify for the rio olympics. The top seven in the finals qualified for the Rio games  

India to host common wealth judo chmapionships in jaipur. The commonwealth Judo had Alloted the championship to india in its meeting held at port elizabeth south africa
This will be the first time commonwealth judo championships will be held in india. India will also play to the 10h asian cadet judo championships and 17th asian junior judo championship in kerala

BCCI Announced that india will host the first ever day/night test match with pink ball against newzeland this year  Before this match all top players play Duleep trophy
Duleep trophy will act as a dress rehearsal for day night test match to check how the pink kookaburra behaves under the light. Usuallay the test match in india are played with 'SG Test' Balls

NPCIL recruitment 2016

About NPCIL:
The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) is a government-owned corporation of India based inMumbai in the state of Maharashtra. It is wholly owned by the Central Government and is responsible for the generation of nuclear power for electricity. NPCIL is administered by the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India(DAE).
NPCIL was created in September 1987 under the Companies Act 1956, "with the objective of undertaking the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the atomic power stations for generation of electricity in pursuance of the schemes and programmes of the Government of India under the provision of the Atomic Energy Act 1962." All nuclear power plants operated by the company are certified for ISO-14001 (Environment Management System).
NPCIL was the sole body responsible for constructing and operating India's commercial nuclear power plants till setting up of BHAVINI ( Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam ) in October 2003. As of 10 August 2012 the company had 21nuclear reactors in operation at seven locations, a total installed capacity of 5780 MWe.[4][5] Subsequent to the government's decision to allow private companies to provide nuclear power, the company has experienced problems with private enterprises "poaching" its employees.

Sr. No.
Industrial & Fire Safety

The above vacancies includes the backlog vacancies for SC-1, ST-5 & OBC-12. 

Reservations and relaxations for SC/ST/OBC/PWD (degree of disability 40% or above) will be provided as per Government of India orders. 

The OBC applicants who belong to "Creamy layer" are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC category and such applicants have to indicate their category as General. The OBC (Non-creamy layer) applicants are required to submit requisite certificates in prescribed format of Government of India, from a competent authority issued after 01/04/2015. Further, OBC applicants, if called for interview will have to give a self-undertaking indicating that they belong to OBC (Non-creamy layer) category at the time of reporting for interview.

Important Information - Eligibility Criteria
A. Qualification
1.  Full time BE / B.Tech / B.Sc Engineering (4 years duration) / 5 years Integrated M.Tech with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks ( A minimum 60% marks means the marks as per the ordinance of the respective university/institutions) in any of the engineering disciplines mentioned in Table -1 available in the sub menu - Required Disciplines
2.  Applicants, whose final results are awaited and / or are appearing for the final year / semester examination during April – May 2016, but are otherwise eligible, may also apply. If selected, they will be required to submit the mark-sheet of final result on or before 30th November 2016.
B. Age Limit ( Age as on 15th May, 2016 )
Upper Age Limit (Years)
OBC – 3 years
SC/ST – 5 years
·    1. Age Relaxation for those belonging to the following:
1.  Dependents of those who died in the riots of 1984(Dep1984) -5 years
2.  Persons domiciled in Kashmir division of Jammu & Kashmir State from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989 (Dom Kashmir) – 5 years
3.  Persons With Disability (PWD) – 10 years relaxation of age (degree of disability 40% or above) in following disablement categories identified for appointment of the post in the following disciplines :
Disablement Category
·    (OA – One Arm, OL – One Leg, HH – Hearing Handicapped)
5.             In case of an applicant who is eligible for age relaxation in more than one of the above categories, the age relaxation will be cumulative.

 Table 1 - Engineering Disciplines
Engineering Discipline
Engineering Degrees allowed
Mechanical, Production
Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Controls, Instrumentation & Electronics
Electrical, Electrical & Electronics
Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Controls, Electronics & Instrumentation
Industrial & Fire Safety
Health Safety & Environment, Fire & Safety Engineering, Safety & Fire Engineering, Industrial Safety & Fire, Fire & Industrial Safety, Industrial & Fire Safety, Industrial & Fire Safety Engineering, Fire & Industrial Safety Engineering, Industrial Safety Engineering & Fire, Industrial Safety Engineering, Fire Technology & Safety, Others related to Industrial & Fire Safety Engg