The SYALLABUS has Changed for ESE 2017 (for
new syllabus click here)
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is every year recruits engineers in various
sectors. In recently the service
commission releases the notification about Engineering service examination (IES).
“Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender
balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.”
Coming to IES Examination the examination will be conducted in
following pattern.The written examination will comprise two sections
Section I
consisting only of objective type of
Section II
conventional papers.
Both Sections will cover the
entire syllabus of the relevant engineering disciplines viz. Civil Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics and
Telecommunications Engineering.
2. The
following will be the subjects for the written examination
Category‐I CIVIL
Section I Objective Papers
General Ability Test
(Part A : General English)
(Part B : General Studies)
Civil Engineering Paper‐I Civil
Engineering Paper‐II
2 hours
Section II Conventional Papers
a. Civil Engineering Paper‐I
b. Civil Engineering Paper‐II
3 hrs.
Section I Objective Papers
General Ability Test
(Part A : General English)
(Part B : General Studies)
Mech Engineering Paper‐I Mech
Engineering Paper‐II
2 hours
Section II Conventional Papers
a. Mech Engineering Paper‐I
Engineering Paper‐II
3 hrs.
Section I Objective Papers
General Ability Test
(Part A : General English)
(Part B : General Studies)
Mech Engineering Paper‐I Mech
Engineering Paper‐II
2 hours
Section II Conventional Papers
a. Mech Engineering Paper‐I
Engineering Paper‐II
3 hrs.
and Syllabi The standard of paper in General
Ability Test will be such as may be expected of an Engineering/Science
Graduate. The standard of papers in other
subjects will approximately be that of an Engineering Degree Examination of an
Indian University.
There will
be no practical examination in any of the subjects.
General Ability Test
Part A : General English : The question paper in General English will be
designed to test the candidate’s understanding of English and workman like use
of words.
Part B : General Studies : The paper in General Studies will include
knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and
experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated
person. The paper will also include questions on History of India and Geography
of a nature which candidates should be able to answer without special study.
CIVIL ENGINEERING (for both objective and conventional
type papers)
1. Building Materials Timber : Different types and species of
structural timber, density‐moisture relationship, strength in different
directions, defects, influence of defects on permissible stress,
preservation, dry and wet rots, codal provisions for designs. Plywood. Bricks : Types, Indian Standards classification,
absorption, saturation factor, strength in masonry, influence of mortar
strength on masonry strength. Cement : Compounds of, different
types, setting times strength. Cement Mortar : Ingredients, proportions,
water demand, mortars for plastering and masonry. Concrete : Importance
of W/C Ratio, strength ingredients including admixtures, workability, testing
for strength elasticity, nondestructive testing, mix design methods.
2. Solid Mechanics Elastic constants, stress, plane stress,
Mohr’s circle of stress, strains, plane strain, Mohr’s circle of strain
combined stress; Elastic theories of failure; Simple bending, shear;
Torsion of circular and rectangular sections and simple members.
3. Structural Analysis Analysis of determinate structures—different
methods including graphical methods. Analysis of indeterminate skeletal
frames—moment distribution, slope‐deflection, stiffness and force methods,
energy methods. Muller‐Breslaie principle and application. Plastic
analysis of indeterminate beams and simple frames—shape factors.
4. Design of Steel Structures Principles of working stress method/Design of
connections, simple members, Built‐up sections and frames. Design of Industrial
roofs. Principles of ultimate load design. Design of simple members and
5. Design of Concrete and Masonry
Structures Limit state design for bending,
shear, axial compression and combined forces. Codal provisions for slabs, beams
walls andfootings. Working stress method of design of R.C. members. Principles
of prestressed concrete design, materials, methods of prestressing, losses.
Designs of simple members and determinate structures. Introduction of
prestressing of indeterminate structures. Design of brick masonry as per
I.S. Codes.
Construction Practice, Planning and Management Concreting
Equipment : Weight Batcher, mixer vibrator, batching plant, concrete
pump. Cranes, hoists, lifting equipment. Earthwork Equipment : 16
Power shovel, hoe, dozer, dumper, trailers and tractor, rollers, sheep foot
rollers pumps. Construction, Planning and Management : Bar chart,
linked bar chart, work‐break down structures. Activity‐on‐arrow diagrams;
Critical path, probabilistic activity durations. Event‐based networks,
PERT network; Time‐cost study, crashing; resource allocation.
1. (a) Fluid Mechanics, Open
Channel, Flow, Pipe Flow Fluid
Properties, Perssure, Thrust, Buoyancy; Flow kinematics; Integration Flow
equations; Flow measurement; Relative Motion, Moment of momentum;
Viscosity, Boundary layer and control. Drag, Lift : Dimentional Analysis.
Modelling Cavitation; Flow Oscillations; Momentum and Energy principles
in open channel flow. Flow controls. Hydraulic jump. Flow section and properties;
Normal flow. Gradually varied flow: Surges, Flow development and losses in pipe
flows, Measurement, Siphons, Surges and Water hammer. Delivery of Power,
Pipe networks.
(b) Hydraulic Machines and
Hydropower Centrifugal pumps, types, performance
parameters, scaling pumps in parallel. Reciprocating pumps, air vessels,
performance parameters. Hydraulic ram. Hydraulic turbines types,
performance parameters/controls, choice, power houses, classification and
layout, storage, pondage, control of supply.
2. (a) Hydrology Hydrological cycle, precipitation and related
data analysis, PMP unit and synthetic hydrographs; Evaporation and
transpiration; Floods and their management, PMF; Streams and their
gauging: River morphology; Routing of floods; Capacity of Reservoirs.
(b) Water Resources Engineering Water resources of the globe; Multipurpose
uses of Water: Soil‐Plant‐Water relationship, irrigation systems, water demand
assessment; Storages and their yields; Ground water yield and well
hydraulics; Water‐logging, drainage design; Irrigation revenue; Design
of rigid boundary canals, Lacey’s and Tractive force concepts in canal design,
lining of canals; Sediment transport in canals; Non‐overflow and
overflow sections of gravity dams and their design. Energy dissipators and
tailwater rating; Design of headworks distribution works, falls,
cross‐drainage works, outlets; River raining.
3. (a) Water Supply Engineering Sources of Supply, yields, design of intakes
and conductors; Estimation of demand; Water quality standards. Control of
Waterborne diseases; Primary and secondary treatment detailing and
maintenance of treatment units; Conveyance and distribution systems of
treated water, leakages and control; Rural water supply; Institutional and
industrial water supply.
(b) Waste Water Engineering Systems of sewage collection and disposal;
Design of sewers and sewerage systems; pumping. Characteristics of
sewage and its treatment. Disposal of products of sewage treatment, stream flow
rejuvenation; Institutional and industrial sewage management; Plumbing
Systems; Rural and semi‐urban sanitation.
(c) Solid Waste Management Source, classification, collection and
disposal; Design and Management of Landfills.
(d) Air and Noise Pollution and Ecology
Sources and effects of air
pollution, monitoring of air pollution; Noise pollution and Standards;
Ecological chain and balance.
Environmental assessment.
4. (a) Soil Mechanics Properties of soils, classification and
inter‐relationship. Compaction behaviour, methods of compaction and their
choice; Permeability and seepage, flownets. Inverted filters;
Compressibility and consolidation; Shearing resistance. Stresses and failure;
Soil testing in laboratory and in situ; Stress path and applications; Earth
pressure, theories. Stress distribution in soils; Soil exploration,
samplers, load tests penetration tests.
(b) Foundation Engineering Types of foundations. Selection criteria,
bearing capacity, settlement, laboratory and field tests; Types of piles and their
design and layout. Foundations on expansive soils, swelling and its
prevention foundation on swelling soils.
5. (a) Surveying
Classification of surveys, scales
accuracy; Measurement of distances—direct and
indirect methods; optical and electronic devices; Measurement of directions,
prismatic compass, local attraction; Theodolities‐types; Measurement of
elevations‐Spirit and trigonometric levelling. Relief representation‐Contours;
Digital Monitoring Organisation elevation modelling concept; Establishment of
control by traingulation and traversing—measurements and adjustment of
observations computation of coordinates; Field astoronomy. Concept of global
positioning system; Map preparation by plane tabling and by photogrammetry.
Remote sensing concepts, map substitutes.
(b) Transportation Engineering Planning of highway systems, alignment and
geometric design horizontal and vertical curves, grade separation; Materials
and construction methods for different surfaces and maintenance;
Principles of pavement design; Drainage, Traffic Surveys; Intersection,
Signalling; Mass transit system, accessibility, networking. Tunnelling,
alignment, methods of construction, disposal of muck, drainage lighting and
ventilation, traffic control, emergency management. Planning of
railway systems, terminology and designs relating to gauge, track, controls
transits, rolling stock, tractive power 17 and track
modernisation; Maintenance, Appurtenant works, Containnerisation. Harbours—layouts,
shipping lanes, anchoring, location identification; Literal transport with
erosion and deposition; Sounding methods; Dry and wet docks, components
and operations; Tidal data and analysis. Airports—layout and
orientation; Runway and Taxiway; design and drainage management; Zoning laws;
Visual aids and air traffic control; helipads, hangers, service
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (For both objective and
conventional type papers)
1. Thermodynamics Cycles and IC Engines, Basic concepts. Open
and Closed systems. Heat and work, Zerothe, First and Second Law, Application
to non‐flow and Flow processes. Entropy, Availability, Irreversibility and TDS
relations. Clapeyron and real gas equations, Properties of ideal gases and
vapours. Standard vapour. Gas power and Refrigeration cycles. Two stage compressor.
C. I. and S. I. Engines. Pre‐ignition, Detonation and Diesel‐knock, Fuel
injection and Carburation. Supercharging Tubro‐prop and Rocket engines. Engine
Cooling. Emission and Control, Fuel gas analysis. Measurement of Calorific
values. Conventional and Nuclear fuels. Elements of Nuclear power production.
2. Heat Transfer and Refrigeration and
Airconditioning Modes of heat transfer. One dimensional steady and unsteady condition.
Composite slab and Equivalent Resistance. Heat dissipation from extended
surfaces. Heat exchangers. Overall heat transfer coefficient. Empirical
correlations for heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flows and for free and
forced Convection. Thermal boundary layer over a flat plate. Fundamentals of
diffusive and convective mass transfer, Block, body and basic concepts in
Radiation. Enclosure theory. Shape factor. Net work analysis. Heat pump and
Refrigeration cycles and systems. Refrigerants. Condensers. Evaporators and
expansion devices. Psychrometry, Charts and application to airconditioning. Sensible
heating and cooling. Effective temperature, Comfort indices. Load calculations.
Solar refrigeration. Controls, Duct design.
3. Fluid Mechanics Properties and classification of fluids,
Manometry. Forces on immersed surfaces. Center of pressure. Buoyancy, Elements
of stability of floating bodies. Kinematics and Dynamics, irrotational
and incompressible, inviseid flow, velocity potential, Pressure field
and Forces on immersed‐bodies Berroulli’s equations. Fully developed flow
through pipes. Pressure drop calculations. Measurement of flow rate and
Pressure, drop. Elements of boundary layer theory. Integral approach. Laminar
and turbulent flows. Separations, Flow over weirs and notches. Open
channel flows. Hydraulic jump. Dimensionless numbers Dimensional analysis.
Similitude and modelling. One‐dimensional isentronic flow. Normal shock wave.
Flow through convergent—divergent ducts. Oblique shock‐wave, Ravleigh
and Fanno lines.
4. Fluid Machinery and Stream
Generators Performance, Operation and
control of hydraulic Pump and impulse and reaction Turbines. Specific speed
Classification. Energy transfer. Coupling Power, transmission. Steam
generators. Fire‐tube and water‐tube boilers. Flow of steam through nozzles and
difusers, Wetness and condensation. Various types of steam and gas turbines
Velocity diagrams. Partial admission Reciprocating, Centrifugal and
axial flow Compressors, Multi‐stage compression, role of Mach Number, Reheat,
Regeneration, Efficiency. Governances.
5. Theory of Machines Kinematic and dynamic analysis of planner
mechanisms. Cams. Gears and gear trains. Flywheels, Governors, Balancing of
rigid rotor and field balancing. Balancing of single and multicylinder
engines. Linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems. Critical speeds
and whirling of shafts. Automatic Controls.
6. Machine Design Design of Joints : cotters, keys, spines,
welded joints, threaded fasteners, joints formed by interference fits. Design
of friction drives: couplings and clutches, belt and chain drives, power
screws. Design of Power transmission systems: gears and gear drives,
shaft and axle, wire ropes. Design of bearings, Hydrodynamic bearings
and rolling element bearings.
7. Strength of Materials Stress and strain in two dimensions.
Principal stresses and strains, Mohr’s construction, linear elastic materials,
isotropy and anisotropy, stress‐strain relations, uniaxial loading,
thermal stresses. Beams: Bending moment and shear force diagram, bending
stresses and deflection of beam. Shear stress distribution. Torsion of shafts,
helical springs. Combined stresses, thickand thin walled pressure
vessels. Struts and Columns. Strain energy concepts and theories of failure.
8. Engineering Materials Basic concepts on structure of solids. Crystalline
materials, Deffects in crystalline materials. Alloys and binary phase diagrams,
structure and properties of common engineering materials. Heat treatment of
steels. Plastics, Ceramics and composite materials. Common applications
of various materials.
9. Production Engineering Metal
Forming : Basic Principles of Forming,
drawing and extrusion; High energy rate forming; Powder metallurgy. Metal Casting:
Die casting, investment casting, Shell Moulding, Centrifugal Casting, Gating
and Riser design; melting furnaces. Fabrication Processes : Principles
of Gas, Arc. Shielded are Welding; Advanced. Welding Processes; weldability;
Metallurgy of Welding. Metal Cutting : Turning, Methods of Screw
Production. Drilling, Boring. Milling, Gear Manufacturing. Production of flat
surfaces 18 Grinding and Finishing Processes. Computer Controlled Manufacturing
Systems— CNC, DNC, FMS, Automation and Robotics. Cutting Tool Materials,
Tool Geometry Mechanism of Tool Wear, Tool Life and Machinability; Measurement
of cutting forces. Economics of Machining. Unconventional Machining. Processes,
Jigs and Fixtures. Fits and Tolerances. Measurement of surface texture.
Comparators, Alignment tests and reconditioning of Machine Tools.
10. Industrial Engineering Production,
Planning and Control : Forecasting—
Moving average exponential smoothing. Operations scheduling; assembly line
balancing Product development. Break‐even analysis, capacity planning, PERT and
CPM. Control Operations : Inventory Control—ABC analysis EOO model. Materials
requirement planning Job. design. Job standards. Work measurement.
Quality management— Quality analysis and control. Operations Research : Linear
programming— Graphical and Simplex methods. Transportation and assignment
models. Single server queuing model. Value Engineering : Value
analysis for cost/value.
11. Elements of Computation Computer Organisation, Flow charting.
Features of Common Computer Languages—FORTRAN, d’ Base III. Lotus 1‐2‐3, C and
elementary programming.
ENGINEERING (For both objective and conventional type papers)
1. Materials and components Structure and
properties of Electrical Engineering materials Conductors, Semi‐conductors and
Insulators, Magnetic, Ferroelectric, piezoelectric Ceramic, Optical and
Superconducting materials. Passive components and characteristics Resistors,
Capacitors and Inductors : Ferrites, Quartz crystal. Ceramic resonators,
Electromagnetic and electro‐mechanical components.
2. Physical Electronics, Electron
Devices and ICs Electrons and holes in semi‐conductors. Carrier Statistics, Mechanism of
current flow in a semi‐conductor, Hall effect. Junction theory;
Different types of diodes and their characteristics; Bipolar Junction
transistor; Field effect transistors; Power switching devices like SCRs.
CTOs, power MOSFETs; Basics of ICs‐bipolar, MOS and CMOS types; Basics of
3. Signals and Systems Classification of
signals and systems; System modelling in terms of differential and difference
equations; State variable representation; Fourier series; Fourier
transforms and their application to system analysis; Laplace transforms and
their application to system analysis; Convolution and superposition
integrals and their applications; Z‐transforms and their applications to
the analysis and characterisation of discrete time systems; Random signals and
probability. Correlation functions; Spectral density; Response of linear
system to random inputs.
4. Network Theory Network analysis
techniques: Network theorems, transient response steady state sipusoidal
response; Network graphs and their applications in network analysis;
Tellegen’s theorem. Two port networks : Z, Y, h and transmission parameters.
Combination of two ports analysis of common two ports. Network functions;
parts of network functions; obtaining a network function from a given
part. Transmission criterion : dalcy and rise time. Elmorc’s and other
definition effect of cascading Elements of network synthesis.
5. Electromagnetic Theory Analysis of
electrostatic and magnetostatic fields; Laplace’s and Potson’s equations;
Boundary value problems and their solutions; Maxwell’s equations :
application to wave propagation in bounded and unbounded media; Transmission
lines : basic theory, standing wave, matching applications microstrip
lines; basics of waveguides and resonators; Elements of antenna theory.
6. Electronic Measurement and
concepts standards and error analysis; Measurements of basic electrical
quantities and parameters; Electronic measuring instruments and their
principles of working, analog and digital, comparison characteristics,
applications Transducers; Electronic measurements of non‐electrical quantities
like temperature, pressure, humidity etc. Basics of telemetry for industrial
1. Analog Electronic Circuits
biasing and stabilization small signal analysis. Power amplifiers Frequency
response. Wide banding techniques Feedback amplifiers Tuned amplifier?
Oscillators, Rectifiers and power; supplies Op Amp PLL other linear integrated
circuits and applications Pulse shaping circuits and waveform generator.
2. Digital Electronic Circuits Transistor as a
switching element; Boolean algebra simplification of Boolean functions,
Karnaugh man and applications’ IC Logic gates and their characteristics
: IC logic families : DTL, TTL, ECL, NMOS PMOS and CMOS gates, and their
comparison Combinational logic circuits; Half adder Full adder. Digital
compartor. Multiplexer. Demultiplexer; ROM and their applications, Flipflops,
R‐S, J. K., D and T np‐nops; Different types of counters and resisters;
Waveform generators. A/D and D/A conveners. Semi‐conductor memories.
3. Control Systems Transient and
steady state response of control systems, Effect of feedback on stability and
sensitivity; Root locus techniques; Frequency response analysis Concepts
of gain and phase margins; constant‐M and Consta. N Nichols’s Chart;
Approximation of transient response from Constant‐N nichols Chart;
Approximation of transient response from closed loop frequency response; Design
of Control systems Compensators; Industrial controllers.
4. Communication Systems Basic information
theory. Modulation and detection in analogue and digital systems; Sampling and
data reconstruction Quantization & Coding; Time division and
frequency division multiplexing, Equalisation; Optical Communication in free
space and fibre optic; Propagation of signals at HF, VHP, UHF and
microwave frequency; Satellite Communication.
5. Microwave Engineering Microwave Tubes and
solid state devices, Microwave generation and amplifiers, Waveguides and other
Microwave Components and Circuits Microstrip circuits, Microwave
Antennas, Microwave Measurements, Masers Lasers; Microwave propagation.
Microwave Communication systems‐terrestrial and Satellite based.
6. Computer Engineering Number Systems;
Data representation; Programming; Elements of a high level programming language
PASCAL/ C. Use of basic data structures; Fundamentals of computer
architecture; Processor design; Control unit design; Memory organisation. I/o
System Organisation, Micro‐processors : Architecture and instruction set of
micro‐processors 8085 and 8086. Assembly language programming.
Micro‐processor based system design : typical examples. Personal computers and
their typical uses.